About — The Whisperforge

 Remarkable Providences


Kate Devorak

host & researcher

Kate is an actor, writer, podcaster, and collector of random facts. You may recognize her from television as “nervous cop shuffling papers”, “out of frame diner patron”, or “glaring continuity error”. She is also the co-host and researcher for The Xmas Mistake: A Cursed Podcast, a comedy podcast cursed by holiday romance films. From 2014 to 2018, Kate lived in Salem, Massachusetts, where she worked as a tour guide at the Salem Witch Dungeon Museum. Apparently she was intimidating, since tourists never asked her questions, and so she was forced to make a podcast. Isn’t that remarkable?


Daniel Manning


Dan invented the found footage podcast in 2015 with Ars Paradoxica. Since then, he has probably eaten at least several times. As co-host of The Xmas Mistake, they usually manage to remember most of the end-of episode credits every week, which he considers a minor miracle. They have almost 100,000 Gamerpoints on Xbox Live.