A Phone Call Between Ruth & Peri 

story BY Eli Barraza & DANIELLE SHEMAIAH
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[[SFX: RING. RING. RING. The phone picks up and Ruth and Peri speak.]]

PERI: Ruth!

RUTH: Hey there star shine. 

PERI: Hey. 

RUTH: How’re you?

PERI: I’m good, you?

RUTH: Pretty great. [chuckle]

PERI: Good. 

[[SFX: An awkward pause broken by their laughter.]]

RUTH: Finally get each other on the phone and here we are tongue-tied. 

PERI: You okay?

RUTH: Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that voicemail.

PERI: No, it’s okay. I’m sorry about mine. 

RUTH: No, it’s okay, really. 

An extended pause.

PERI: This long-distance thing works better when we talk, right.

RUTH: Right. 

Peri: Ruth, I-

Ruth: Peri.

PERI: Go ahead.

RUTH: No, you go ahead.

PERI: I think... I think we’re both feeling a lot of pressure to make these phone calls meaningful, especially after the voicemails we left. 

RUTH: Yeah, I think so too. 

PERI: And maybe... maybe they don’t have to be? 

RUTH: You mean not every call has to be filled with our deepest darkest secrets and insecurities?

PERI: I’d agree but it’s not exactly a secret that I miss you. 

RUTH: Not after that voicemail, no. (beat) I miss you too. 

PERI: I think... I think we can tell each other that stuff. Just maybe...

RUTH: We shouldn’t feel obligated to in order to feel connected?

PERI: Right. 

RUTH: Okay. Did you want to talk about what you said though? About Ace and Benny? No obligation but my ears are wide open. 

PERI: Hmmm. No, I’m okay, really. I think I have a lot of time to examine my feelings and that voicemail was me finally... articulating them. What about you? Did you wanna talk about the guy at the museum?

RUTH: I don’t know. Maybe> I’m still thinking about it. He was so... nice. And he really paid attention to people, not just the visitors but the docents and other staff. They all knew him and really liked him. I didn’t mention this in my voicemail but... he knew who to chat with, what was going on in their lives and he would just ask about it. He was just so ingrained into the life of the place, he made it feel homey in the way that like, home doesn’t judge you. You could ask him like anything, tell him anything and he’d make you feel heard. I only sat next to him for an hour but I could tell this was where he was supposed to be. And after I called you, talking about where the star is supposed to be, I think I’ve been thinking about where I’m supposed to be. 

PERI: Take this from somebody who’s always showing up in new places? I don’t think you need to figure that out just yet. 

RUTH: I know but... like you examine your feelings, I wanna figure out where I should be. Anyway, it’s all a little too messy in my head to really talk too much about.

PERI: S’okay. You know I’ll listen whenever you need it. 

RUTH: Thanks. So, go anywhere cool lately?

PERI: Umm? Lots of hills for some reason. And, uh, oh! The light looked funny the last place we landed in a way I can’t really describe? Anyway, you know where your next star is?

RUTH: We got some bites, still sussing it out. (beat) Speaking of, Johanna is waving at me. Gotta get to work. Talk soon?

PERI: Please. I’ll be here for a little while so calls should come through. 

RUTH: Roger dodger. (with a smile) Talk soon, star shine. 

PERI: Talk soon, Ruth.

End Call.